Staffing During Shortages – 6/25/20
Toni Jeffries, RN, LNHA, NLE – Director South Region/Clinical Officer for Vancrest Management Corp.
Rick Gall, RN, NLE – Director of Nursing for Grand River Health and Rehabilitation (Saber Healthcare Group)
During this Long-Term Care Town Hall we spoke with Rick Gall and Toni Jefferies about some creative ways to overcome staffing challenges during shortages.
We also received these helpful recruitment tips from Lionel Diane Waldo DeCuir, Nursing Home Administrator, that help you find more quality candidates:
- Be pro-active, don’t sit at your desk waiting for a CNA to call you wanting a job.
- Nursing homes should start having cluster meetings with other nursing homes to work as a team to solve the problem of staff shortages.
- Design and print a quality handout to be used by nursing homes to make known the job opportunities available in nursing homes. A creative handout geared towards the public, high schools, colleges should be developed.
- Nursing homes should develop a speaker’s bureau of staff who have chosen this profession because of their dedication to serving the needs of our seniors who can no longer help themselves. They would be able to speak at area high schools, colleges, service clubs, etc.
- Nursing homes should develop attractive materials for a booth that would be used for job fairs, high school and college career days, displays at community events, malls, etc. These booths would be staffed by current nursing home staff that is outstanding in their profession.
- Nursing homes should contact their local newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, and local magazines to let the public know that they have available some outstanding individuals who should be recognized for their outstanding services to our seniors.
- Nursing homes should get their local city government to recognize an outstanding CNA who has had an outstanding career serving the needs of our seniors.
- School career counselors should be invited by the administration to lunch to talk about rewarding career opportunities in day to day care of our seniors.